
Senin, 09 Januari 2012


                                                  Jurnal Metodhologi Penelitian
                                                         Ahmad Qoirul Roviq
Ak 51

Fakultas Ekonomi Program Study Akuntansi
Universitas Binadarma palembang

ABSTRACT: The purpose of scientific writing is to determine the effect and how much influence the financial performance of the stock price of PT Indofood, Tbk. The results of research that was done the writer is the influence of Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE), and Earning Per Share (EPS) on stock prices with their respective amounting to 0.073, -0.078, 0.072, 0.391, and 0.620. Where CR has a positive relationship and classified as very low, DER has a negative relationship and relatively very low. Likewise, ROA and ROE has a positive relationship with each of the relatively very low and low. While t count CR, DER, ROA and ROE <t table = 0.071, -0.401, -1.071, -2.508 <style = ""> Effect of EPS on stock prices of 0.620 means that there are relatively strong and positive relationship. While the t count> t table = 3.521> 2.228. So Ha received means there is a significant relationship to stock prices. The influence of independent variables on stock prices of 0.859 means that there is a positive relationship and classified as very strong.WhiletheFcount<table="3.376">

Keywords : Financial Performance , Stock Price